
Cancer that has come back after cessation of treatment

Novel Protein Degraders for Treating RET Positive Cancer

Partner Awards
Grant title (if any)
RETpositive/LUNGevity Lung Cancer Research Award Program
Justin Drake, PhD
University of Minnesota

This project will investigate novel protein degraders (called PROTACs) as a treatment for RET-positive cancers, and will evaluate their efficacy in vitro and in vivo in prostate and lung cancer. PROTACs are highly specific molecules that degrade unwanted or harmful proteins in cells (in this case, RET tyrosine kinase). This research aims to provide a novel therapeutic approach targeting RET signaling, which could overcome resistance to existing RET inhibitors.  If successful, it would be a first-in-class compound for further clinical development.

Research Summary

RET receptor tyrosine kinase is a proto-oncogene that requires a co-receptor and secreted ligand for activation. Activating RET mutations are oncogenic targets in non-small cell lung cancer, medullary thyroid cancer and neuroendocrine type cancers. Two RET-specific kinase inhibitors (BLU-667 and LOXO-292) have been FDA approved for treating RET fusion positive cancers. This has led to a tremendous advance in lung cancer therapy and objective response rates in patients naïve to RET inhibitors or who have received other RET inhibitors such as cabozantinib or vandetanib. It is also apparent that RET therapy-driven resistance is common and new alternatives are needed to drug this pathway. Our hypothesis is that targeting RET with novel, first-in-class RET degraders will result in cell death that is more durable than existing inhibitors of RET kinase activity. We will test these novel degraders on several models of prostate and lung cancer to assess on target RET degradation and efficacy in cell line and mouse models. Once novel RET protein degraders are developed and tested in prostate and lung cancer models in vitro and in vivo, we plan to perform pre-clinical optimization studies of compounds and work towards clinical implementation in late stage prostate, lung, and other cancers that rely on RET signaling for survival.

Technical Abstract

Two RET-specific kinase inhibitors (BLU-667 and LOXO-292) have been FDA approved for treating RET fusion positive cancers. This has led to a tremendous advance in lung cancer therapy and objective response rates in patients naïve to RET inhibitors or who have received other RET inhibitors such as cabozantinib or vandetanib. It is also apparent that RET therapy-driven resistance is common and new alternatives are needed to drug this pathway. Our hypothesis is that targeting RET with novel, first-in-class RET degraders will result in cell death that is more durable than existing inhibitors of RET kinase activity. We will test hypothesis via the following specific aims: Aim 1. Development and characterization of RET degraders for treating RET positive cancers and Aim 2. Evaluate efficacy of RET degraders in in vitro and in vivo NEPC models. In aim 1, we propose to develop RET degraders based on a new RET inhibitor, vepafestinib, and assess RET degrader specificity and activity using a panel of prostate and lung cancer cell line models that overexpress RET or contain RET fusions. We will then evaluate the efficacy of our RET degrader in in vitro and in vivo models of lung and prostate cancer. Once these novel RET protein degraders are developed and tested, we plan to perform pre-clinical optimization studies of compounds and work to identify a suitable pharma partner to develop for clinical implementation in late stage prostate, lung, and other cancers that rely on RET signaling for survival.

Developing new therapeutic approaches for RET-positive cancers

Partner Awards
Grant title (if any)
The Hamoui Foundation/LUNGevity Lung Cancer Research Award Program
Romel Somwar, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York

This project aims to develop new therapeutic approaches for RET-positive cancers, focusing on overcoming resistance to currently available RET inhibitors.  Dr. Somwar and colleagues will investigate ways to block the growth of lung cancers with altered RET in a pathway called MAPK (mitogen activated kinase), which is involved in many biological processes involving cell growth and survival.  MAPK is implicated in developing resistance to RET inhibitors and finding strategies to target this pathway in combination with RET could benefit many patients who have no approved therapy options after tumor reoccurence. 

Research Summary

Lung cancers are one of the leading causes of death in the US. Significant progress has been made over the past three decades to understand the biology of lung cancers and to stratify these diseases into subsets of patients who will get the maximum benefit of a given form of therapy. New technologies now allow for each patient to have their tumor DNA sequenced to find genetic causes of their cancer. Many genes that regulate cell growth are altered by mutations that cause the unrestricted growth that lead to cancer. Scientists have developed strategies to take advantage of these aberrant genes by finding chemicals or biological agents that will antagonize the protein products of these genes. One gene that is altered in 2% of lung cancers is called RET and there are two drugs that block the tumorigenic function of this cancer-causing gene (oncogene). Although patients respond very well to these two anti-RET drugs at first, they soon become resistant to the therapeutic effects. Additional genetic changes in RET or other genes in the cancer cells that regulate growth are responsible for the drug resistance. Our goal in this grant proposal is to find ways to block the growth of lung cancers with altered RET that stopped responding to anti-RET inhibitors. The strategy that we will test involves the simultaneous inhibition of RET and other proteins in another growth promoting pathway called the MAPK (mitogen activated kinase) pathway. We believe that this therapeutic strategy can benefit more than 30% of patients who stop responding to current drugs that target lung cancers with RET genetic alterations.

Technical Abstract

RET fusions result from abnormal rearrangements of the kinase domain of RET with other non-essential genes and drive tumorigenesis. These oncogenic chimeric tyrosine kinases are found in approximately  2% of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Two FDA-approved selective RET inhibitors (selpercatinib and pralsetinib) have shown great response rates in lung cancer patients. However, resistance to RET inhibitors inevitably occurs, limiting therapeutic benefit. Multiple mechanisms of resistance to RET inhibitors have been described, including acquired RET solvent front mutations (G810R/S/C/V), and RET-independent mechanisms of resistance due to amplifications of other receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) including MET, FGFR1 and ERBB2, and alterations in the RAS-MAPK pathway. Some second-generation RET inhibitors that target secondary RET mutations have been recently developed including vepafestinib (TAS0953/HM06) which is currently being tested in phase I/II clinical trials in the US and Japan for RET fusion positive lung cancer. There is a clinical need to identify mechanisms of resistance to vepafestinib and develop strategies to overcome them.

RET with solvent front mutations, amplification of MET/FGFR1/ERBB2 and RAS-MAPK pathway mutations account for >30% of all resistance mechanisms to first-generation RET drugs, and importantly, all of these alterations are expected to activate the RASMAPK pathway. Therefore, a therapeutic strategy that tackles RAS-MAPK pathway activation is expected to benefit >30% of patients who acquire resistance to first-generation RET drugs. Moreover, given that RET fusions, like all tumors arising from activated RTKs engage the RAS-MPAK pathway for oncogenesis, we believe that many treatment-naïve patients may also benefit from a therapeutic strategy that targets RET and the RAS-MAPK pathway.  

Our first goal in this proposal is to simultaneously address resistance due to RAS-MAPK pathway alterations and extending the benefit of first-generation RET drugs by developing a combination therapy strategy involving RET and pan-RAS, MEK1/2 or ERK1/2 inhibitors. Our second goal is to decipher mechanisms by which the transcription factor capicua (CIC) regulate RET-driven tumorigenesis and resistance to RET inhibitors. We will perform transcriptomic, epigenic and proteomic profiling to gain insights into RET-ERK-CIC interaction. Our third goal is to identify and target resistance mechanisms to vepafestinib, so that a therapeutic strategy will be in place for when patients being treated with this drug develop resistance.

Our team includes leaders in the field of lung cancer clinical and translation research who have been at the forefront of lung cancer genomics and therapy, developing state of the art therapeutic strategies. We are well positioned to translate the findings from this study to the clinic within two years. These studies have the potential to benefit more than 30% of lung cancer patients with RET fusions.

Immunogenic peptide priming of dendritic cells for RET+ NSCLC

Partner Awards
Grant title (if any)
The Hamoui Foundation/LUNGevity Lung Cancer Research Award Program
Amy Cummings, MD, PhD
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles

This project will explore the use of neoantigens to evaluate immunogenic priming of dendritic cells (DC) in RET+ NSCLC.  Neoantigens are short protein fragments present only in cancer cells that bind to genetically encoded proteins known as human leukocyte antigens (HLA).  Dr. Cummings will use features of HLA to predict which cancer-specific protein fragments best match an individual’s immune system, utilizing a biobank of RET-rearranged NSCLC biospecimens. This approach could help identify optimal immunogenic targets, that could be translated into a pathway for clinical use of personalized DC vaccines.

Research Summary

RET-rearranged non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a rare subtype of lung cancer that is driven by growth signals triggered by RET activation. RET-specific inhibitors are effective initially, but most benefit from this treatment for only 1-2 years before additional treatment is needed. Chemotherapy is a widely-available option but typically provides less than six months of benefit, and it is unclear whether immunotherapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy is a better option. Findings from other gene-rearranged NSCLC studies, particularly those on ALK-rearranged NSCLC, suggest that immunotherapy works better when the immune system is better exposed to abnormalities created by the gene-rearrangement. These are neoantigens, or short protein fragments present only in cancer cells that bind to human leukocyte antigen (HLA), a scaffold that displays these protein fragments to the immune system. One issue with this approach is that these fragments have to be specifically matched to the immune system of an individual, and even the most common forms of HLA are only found in 20% of people. This means that these types of approaches would be applicable to at most 1 out of 5 people with RET-rearranged NSCLC. Our techniques broaden this approach by using features of HLA to predict which cancer-specific protein fragments best match an individual’s immune system (motif neoepitopes), including neoantigens from RET rearrangements and those predicted from the individual’s tumor. We propose to use our biobank of RET-rearranged NSCLC biospecimens, which have not been previously analyzed, to determine whether we can detect and elicit enhanced immune responses with motif neoepitopes, neoantigens related to RET-rearrangements, or other predicted neoantigens. We can then offer this approach in a currently open clinical trial investigating immune system optimization through an application to the FDA.

Technical Abstract

RET-rearranged non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) presents challenges in management following progression on selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Platinum-based chemotherapy and docetaxel are available options but are without durable benefit. Real world data with single-agent and combination chemo-immunotherapy suggests modest benefit and possible efficacy if immunotherapy-based approaches are appropriately optimized. For the past decade, our group has meticulously curated hundreds of NSCLC biospecimens including matched tissue and blood from multiple timepoints, including 7 RET-rearranged NSCLC cases that have not previously been analyzed. We have extensive expertise in neoepitope prediction and personalized immunotherapy through dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccination. Our most recent collaboration enabled functional assessments of T-cells through nanovial-based affinity repertoires, further enhancing our ability to predict and translate immunogenic peptides through a personalized vaccine-based program. We propose to use our RET-rearranged NSCLC biospecimens to systematically study T-cell-specific responses to identify optimal immunogenic peptide targets, an approach that could be translated in our currently open and approved DC vaccination trial (NCT03546361) through single patient exemptions.

Targeting tumor associated macrophages in immunotherapy resistant NSCLC

Partner Awards
Grant title (if any)
Brown/LUNGevity Award to Understand Mechanisms of Resistance to Immunotherapy
Dwight Owen, MD, MSc
The Ohio State University

This project will investigate the role of cells called macrophages, key components of the immune system that have multiple functions, including immune surveillance within a unique communication pathway called hedgehog (Hh). The hedgehog signaling pathway is involved in cell growth and differentiation, as well as maintenance of stem cells and tissue repair. Disruption or inhibition of Hh can create an environment that is less favorable for survival of cancer cells, allowing a patient’s immune system to combat it more effectively.  This research has the potential to benefit patients who have been diagnosed with NSCLC, who have not responded to current treatments including immunotherapy by boosting the body’s own defense mechanisms.

Research Summary

Lung cancer remains one of the most lethal types of cancer worldwide, with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounting for a majority of cases. The goal of our research is to better understand the relationship between certain immune cells called macrophages and NSCLC, and how this interaction contributes to the cancer's survival and resistance to treatment. The scientific premise of our project lies in investigating a unique communication pathway known as hedgehog signaling within these macrophages and determining how it impacts the immune system's ability to fight lung cancer. If successful, our research has the potential to benefit patients who have been diagnosed with NSCLC, particularly those who have not responded to current treatments including treatment with immune therapies. By disrupting the hedgehog signaling pathway in macrophages, we hope to create a tumor immune environment that is less favorable for cancer cell survival, allowing patients' immune systems to effectively combat the disease. This research can pave the way for innovative therapeutic approaches that boost the body's own defense mechanisms.

Technical Abstract

The prognosis for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains poor despite recent progress in immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy. Thus, there is an urgent need to understand mechanisms for lung cancer immune evasion within the tumor microenvironment (TME) in order to develop more effective and durable strategies for treating lung cancer. Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs), a major component of the tumor stromal mass, generally display an anti-inflammatory phenotype and can facilitate tumor growth by promoting angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis, as well as immune evasion. However, it remains largely undefined exactly how these TAMs regulate anti-tumor immune responses within the TME. Will test the hypothesis that hedgehog signaling in TAMs interferes with recruitment of CD8+ T cells to the TME through the following specific aims: 1) Investigate the role of Hh inhibition with anti-PD-L1 therapy in non-small cell lung cancer; 2) Study the impact of Hh inhibition on TAMs and changes within the TME. The objective of this project is to understand signals required for functional polarization of TAMs within the TME and its contributions to immune cell dysregulation and cancer progression, and whether combined Hh inhibition and ICB can overcome resistance to immunotherapy.

Developing EGFRxHER3 bispecific CAR-T cells for targeting EGFR TKI DTPCs

Career Development Award
Yan Yang, PhD
MD Anderson Cancer Center

In patients with EGFR-mutant NSCLC, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been an effective treatment, but over time these patients develop resistance to TKIs, leading to tumor relapse.  Dr. Yang’s project focuses on cancer cells called drug-tolerant persisters (DTPs), which are implicated in TKI resistance.  A gene called HER3 is expressed in DTPs, and Dr. Yang will use specially engineered immune cells, called CAR-T cells, to target both HER3 and EGFR simultaneously.  If successful, this approach would result in a bi-specific CAR-T cell that can be further evaluated in clinical trials.

Research Summary

In lung cancer patients with a specific genetic mutation in EGFR, certain drugs can be helpful, but over time, the cancer can learn to resist these drugs, making them less effective. We're focusing on a small group of tough cancer cells, called DTPCs, that survive the initial treatment because they might be the key to curing the cancer for good. We've noticed that a gene called HER3 is expressed more in these cells. We also have promising results from CAR-T cell therapy. It is a treatment using T cells, a type of immune cells, engineered with the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) so they can find and destroy cancer cells. We've found that CAR-T cells targeting EGFR can kill DTPCs. We believe if we use these T cells to attack both HER3 and EGFR at the same time, we might have a better chance of killing off these stubborn cancer cells. To make sure this idea works, we'll first check if HER3 is indeed more expressed in these DTPCs in the lab and samples from patients. Then, we'll test our HER3-targeting CAR-T cells to see if they can kill these DTPCs. If that looks promising, we'll tweak the T cells to target both HER3 and EGFR and see if they work even better. If all goes well, we'll be able to make one of the first effective CAR-T cells to target both HER3 and EGFR and try them out in clinical trials.

Technical Abstract

In NSCLC patients harboring mutant EGFR, treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) has demonstrated efficacy. However, the emergence of resistance to EGFR TKIs remains a significant challenge, leading to disease progression. Targeting drug-tolerant persister cells (DTPCs), a rare subpopulation surviving initial treatment, emerges as a more effective strategy than awaiting the development of complete drug resistance, holding potential for curative cancer therapy. Based on our preliminary data on the upregulation of HER3 in DTPCs resistant to EGFR TKIs and the potent antitumor activity of EGFR-targeting chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells against DTPCs. We propose that HER3 is a promising target expressed on EGFR-TKI DTPCs and that CAR-T cells simultaneously targeting both EGFR and HER3 are an effective approach for targeting DTPCs with improved overall efficacy. In this proposal, we will evaluate HER3 as a therapeutic target for CAR-T cell therapy against EGFR-TKI DTPCs by validating its expression in DTPCs using in vitro cell models, in vivo xenograft and PDX models, and patient tissues. Additionally, we will evaluate the anti-tumor activity of HER3-targeting CAR-T cells against DTPCs. Subsequently, we will develop and characterize EGFRxHER3 bispecific CAR-T cells, evaluating their CAR expression, antigen binding affinity, and anti-tumor activity. We next will assess their anti-tumor efficacy in xenograft and PDX models to guide the selection of the most promising bispecific CAR-T cells for further development. If completed successfully, we will have EGFRxHER3 bispecific CAR-T cells ready for GMP-compliant clinical-grade CAR manufacturing, in preparation for clinical trial evaluation.

TROP2 Directed CAR T in NSCLC as a Strategy for Eradicating Persister MRD

Health Equity and Inclusiveness Research Fellow Award
Elliott Brea, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

This project proposes to develop novel therapeutic approaches to treat advanced EGFR-mutant NSCLC. CAR-T cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy treatment that uses genetically altered T cells to find and destroy cancer cells more effectively.  TROP2 is a protein that is over expressed on the surface of NSCLC and is a target of the antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), sacitizumab-govitecan, which is FDA-approved to treat other solid tumors. Dr. Brea hypothesizes that TROP2-directed CAR-T targeting of EGFR-mutant NSCLC will be superior to standard Osimertinib treatment.

Tumor draining lymph node immunomodulation to decrease recurrence in NSCLC

Health Equity and Inclusiveness Junior Investigator Award
Jonathan Villena-Vargas, MD
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York

Lymph nodes are small structures that work as filters for foreign substances, such as cancer cells and infections. These nodes contain infection-fighting immune cells that are carried in through the lymph fluid. This project will study the lymph node draining basin, which is involved in the spread of a tumor from the original location site to distant sites, and whether activating cancer-fighting T-cells can decrease recurrence in NSCLC.  Dr. Villena-Vargas will use animal models to investigate whether immune checkpoint inhibitors enhance lymph node T-cells memory, which increases their ability to recognize cancer cells in the bod and can prevent metastatic recurrence.

Integrated Blood-Based and Radiographic Interception of Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Interception Award
Grant title (if any)
SU2C-LUNGevity Foundation-American Lung Association Lung Cancer Interception Translational Research Team
This grant was co-funded by Stand Up to Cancer, LUNGevity, and the American Lung Association
Lecia Sequist, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Max Diehn, MD
Stanford University
Palo Alto
Tilak Sundaresan, MD
Kaiser Permanente San Francisco
San Francisco
Gad Getz, PhD
Broad Institute

The SU2C-LUNGevity Foundation-American Lung Association Lung Cancer Interception Translational Research Team, headed by LUNGevity Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) member Dr. Lecia Sequist, is developing a lung cancer interception assay (LCIA) that can be used in conjunction with low-dose CT scans. This assay will be based on an integration of several blood-based assays that examine circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA.

Molecular mechanisms of acquired drug resistance in small cell lung cancer

Career Development Award
This grant was funded in part by the American Lung Association
John Poirier, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York
Small cell lung cancer is an exceptionally aggressive type of lung cancer. While these tumors are initially responsive to a combination of chemotherapy drugs, tumor recurrence is near universal. Dr. Poirier will develop and study models of drug resistance to identify new strategies to overcome chemotherapy resistance.

Molecular predictors of outcome in non-small cell lung cancer

Career Development Award
Christopher A. Maher, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis

Dr. Maher is working to improve on the accuracy and usability of tests that identify lung cancer patients who are likely to relapse. He is using next-generation sequencing techniques to develop a signature set of key genetic changes  and convert it to a clinical test that will be able to predict who is at high risk for relapse.