LUNGevity is committed to ensuring that all people diagnosed with lung cancer have the same opportunities for best-case outcomes and access to trusted resources, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, age, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. 

As part of our commitment, we have developed a large collection of downloadable educational materials for patients and their physicians. These include the Lung Cancer Basics series, which are suitable for anyone along the spectrum of health literacy. Many of these booklets and brochures are also available in Spanish.

The newest addition to our resources are booklets created specifically for the Asian American community and available in Chinese, English, Korean, Filipino, and Vietnamese.


General Educational Resources        For Spanish Speakers        For Asian Language Speakers


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Our Approach to Health Equity

We are informed by data, identify and implement best practices, and know the importance of action and collaboration to create change.

Speaker Series

We believe collaborations accelerate results. Our programs are built with input from or in partnership with key community stakeholders.

Health Equity Council

LUNGevity is proud to be guided by leaders from a variety of lived experiences, racial/ethnic identities, gender identities, areas of professional expertise, and more.