Squamous cell lung cancer

A subtype of NSCLC for which few therapy options exist

Autoantibody-based biomarkers to aid in the early diagnosis of lung cancer

Jeffrey A. Borgia, PhD
Rush University Medical Center

Not every nodule detected on a CT scan is malignant. However, an invasive biopsy is often needed to determine this. Dr. Jeffrey Borgia’s team has discovered that malignant and benign nodules produce different types of proteins in the blood. Based on this finding, they are developing a simple blood test to predict which nodules require follow-up.

Developing new non-invasive methods for the diagnosis of lung cancer

Mohamed Hassanein, PhD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Dr. Hassanein is using 164 proteins found only in lung cancer patients to develop a method to test the patient’s blood for its own antibodies to these proteins. His goal is to use these proteins as biomarkers in a blood test that will find lung cancer in its earliest, most treatable stage.


Biomarkers of pre-malignant disease progression for lung cancer detection

Jennifer Beane, PhD
Boston University
Dr. Beane will characterize how RNA expression in normal airway epithelial cells is affected by the presence of precancerous lesions and identify changes that predict if the lesions will become malignant or return to normal. Identifying these key molecular changes will contribute to early detection and possible chemo-prevention of lung cancer in high risk patients.

Identification of biomarkers for the detection of small cell lung cancer

Ignacio I. Wistuba, MD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Humam Kadara, PhD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. Wistuba and his colleague Dr. Humam Kadara are identifying biomarkers that could ultimately lead to the fist test to detect small cell lung cancer in its earliest and most treatable stages.


Biomarkers for targeted lung cancer chemoprevention

Meredith Tennis, PhD
University of Colorado Denver

Dr. Tennis aims to identify biomarkers that signal whether a patient is likely to benefit from iloprost and pioglitazone, two drugs that have demonstrated promise in reducing NSCLC risk, and determine whether they work in a clinical trial setting.


Biomarkers for NSCLC radiosensitization by proteasome inhibition

David E. Kozono, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dr. Kozono is studying which genetic types of lung cancer are the most resistant to radiation, and which of these may be best treated with a combination of radiation and bortezomib, a drug already FDA-approved for another type of cancer.