We're Back! Q&A With Breathe Deep TOGETHER Team Captains

Nick Baker, Web Experience and Content Manager
team captains want you to join them in raising lung cancer awareness

Jeff & Stephanie Smith 

Breathe Deep TOGETHER New York City 

How has lung cancer impacted your life?   

How lung cancer has affected our lives is a simple question but has a complicated answer in that it has affected everything, and very little, all at once. After being diagnosed two and a half years ago at age 34 (Jeff) following months of progressively worsening and at times debilitating back pain, targeted therapy has helped return my mobility and alleviate the physical burden associated with the disease.  

While our day-to-day lives have largely progressed as normally as is possible amid the chaos of raising two toddlers, it’s the mental burden that continues to linger. Like all patients on targeted therapy, we understand the statistics around the longevity of their useful life. The negative of that is the difficulty projecting and planning a future for our family given the shortcomings of current treatment options. The positive side of that burden is our heightened focus on trying to be present and soak in all the wonderful moments that our young family has been lucky enough to enjoy over the past two and a half years. 

Why is Breathe Deep TOGETHER important to you? 

Breath Deep TOGETHER is important for our family for several reasons. First and foremost, we view raising funds and helping spread awareness as critical to improve outcomes for those who are diagnosed with this devastating illness. On a more personal note, we view it as a personal milestone of enjoying life for another year together with our friends and families and not allowing lung cancer to strip us of the joy and happiness that comes with each new year. 

Is there a memory or moment you can share from a past Breathe Deep TOGETHER event that stands out to you? 

Hearing stories from the survivors is always a moment that stands out and is invaluable in terms of spreading hope for the future for all of us who are living with or caring for those living with lung cancer.   

What can new participants expect when they show up on October 26 for Breathe Deep TOGETHER? 

New participants can expect an environment that is joyous, inspiring, and filled with hope. The setting on the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan (for Breathe Deep TOGETHER NYC) is a perfect environment to bring friends and family together to celebrate all the progress and reunite with other survivors, caregivers, and supporters. 

LaKisha Cole 

Breathe Deep TOGETHER Washington DC 

How has lung cancer impacted your life?   

Lung Cancer made me realize each day is not promised. When the doctors told me I had stage 1 lung cancer, I was shocked and scared. Even though I caught it in time, "I had cancer."  So many questions went through my head. Will it come back? Will I have to do chemo or radiation?  Each time I go for my check-ups, "Is it back?" Lung Cancer made me live life to the fullest and not take it for granted. It also taught me it's not a death sentence. 13 years cancer free!!! 

Why is Breathe Deep TOGETHER important to you?  

Breathe Deep brings everyone together in a special way. You are surrounded by so many people whose lives have been affected by lung cancer. We are coming together to let cancer know you have not defeated us. I love that!!!! 

Is there a memory or moment you can share from a past Breathe Deep TOGETHER event that stands out to you?  

My very first Breathe Deep. It was bitter cold, but it was so amazing and fun. The brisk air was blowing right through us, but we didn't care. We walked, danced, laughed, cried, and just had fun. We all came together to celebrate victory over Lung Cancer. 

What can new participants expect when they show up on October 26 for Breathe Deep TOGETHER?  

Get ready for excitement, testimonies, all of us coming together to celebrate victory of lung cancer. Also learning about this deadly disease even more in depth.  This year is going to be bigger and more amazing than ever!!! 

Theresa Woodbury 

Breathe Deep TOGETHER Boston 

Theresa with her husband Bryan and two sons, Trent and Baelor.

How has lung cancer impacted your life?   

Prior to my lung cancer diagnosis I was active. I am a mom of two active boys, I coached T-Ball and Baseball the year before I was diagnosed. Our lives have slowed down a lot. I need to nap more frequently and the doctor appointments are never ending. I am still living in the three months at a time phase.   

Why is Breathe Deep TOGETHER important to you?   

As someone who never thought much about lung cancer, I think it is important to educate that anyone with lungs can get lung cancer. Lung Cancer is one of the lowest-funded researched cancers. But yet it is the deadliest. It’s important to raise funds so that in the future other families won't have to go through what so many of us are going through.   

Is there a memory or moment you can share from a past Breathe Deep TOGETHER event that stands out to you?  

I had talked to a couple of people from local towns when I was first diagnosed (But honestly it was crazy and I don't remember much of it). When I got to the walk people knew my name. I wasn't repeating myself. They already knew when I was diagnosed and how my diagnosis came to be. It really meant a lot to me that even though I had dropped the ball with keeping in touch or checking in with people they still remembered me and welcomed me with open arms.   

What can new participants expect when they show up on October 26 for Breathe Deep TOGETHER?  

Last year I didn't know what to expect. I was nervous but I had my family supporting me. The welcoming that I got put me at ease. I am always afraid that people will judge me. I don't look sick-but at the walk there wasn't judgement. We are all in the fight of our lives with our support system. Don't be afraid to go up and introduce yourself. That person is just as scared and nervous as you are.   

Register today for Breathe Deep TOGETHER to show that raising lung cancer awareness is important!

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