Dr. Christine Lovly reflects on progress in targeted therapies for lung cancer

Upal Basu Roy, MPH, PhD

Audio of interview with Dr Christine LovlyTargeted therapies continue to be an important treatment option for those patients whose tumors test positive for an actionable mutation for which a drug exists.

I chatted with Dr. Christine Lovly, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Cancer Biology at Vanderbilt University, at the World Conference on Lung Cancer in Vienna in December 2016. Dr. Lovly is also a LUNGevity Career Development Awardee. She studies targeted therapies for lung cancer and how lung cancer cells outwit targeted therapies. In this short audio clip, Dr. Lovly discusses two important clinical trials for EGFR and ALK inhibitors that were discussed at World Lung in Vienna this year.

Dr. Basu Roy is LUNGevity's Director of Science Communications and Programs. Dr. Upal Basu Roy

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