Stage I

A stage in which the lung tumor has grown through the innermost lining of the lung into deeper lung tissue

Nasal biomarkers for the evaluation of lung nodules found by LDCT screening

Kimberly M. Rieger-Christ, PhD
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
Jacob Sands, MD
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
Katrina Steiling, MD, MSc
Boston University

Dr. Rieger-Christ and team are developing a minimally invasive test using nasal swabs to determine quickly and easily whether nodules found through CT screening are early cancer or benign lesions.

Detection of early-stage lung cancers via tumor DNA in blood

Abhijit Patel, MD, PhD
Yale University
New Haven

With the goal of a simple blood test that permits early detection of lung cancer, Dr. Patel will test a new technology to see if it can accurately identify lung cancer-specific telltale changes in the blood of patients with early-stage lung cancer.

Identifying germline risk mutations for early-onset and familial NSCLC

Zeynep H. Gümüş, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York
Steven M. Lipkin, MD, PhD
Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York
Kenneth Offit, MD, MPH
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York
Each year, more than 22,000 people who have never smoked are diagnosed with lung cancer, many at younger ages. Dr. Gümüş and team will identify underlying genes that could indicate a higher risk of developing lung cancer, similar to what has been found with certain forms of breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers. People who carry the high-risk genes could then be monitored more carefully.

Neoadjuvant anti-PD-1 antibody, Nivolumab, in resectable NSCLC

Patrick Forde, MD (MB, BCh)
Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center

Dr. Forde is working to apply a kind of immunotherapy that has been successful in people with lung cancer in later stages to people with early-stage lung cancer, stimulating their immune system to attack cancer cells. This treatment, nivolumab, uses anti PD-1 antibodies to release the “brakes” on the immune system.

In-vivo and in-vitro diagnostics to improve lung cancer care

Viswam S. Nair, MD
Stanford University

Dr. Nair is developing a blood test to help determine whether a pulmonary nodule seen on a PET-scan imaging screen is cancerous. The goal of this test, which will make use of circulating molecular biomarkers, is to accurately determine which patients are most likely to have lung cancer and, therefore, should have biopsies or surgery.


Molecular predictors of outcome in non-small cell lung cancer

Christopher A. Maher, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis

Dr. Maher is working to improve on the accuracy and usability of tests that identify lung cancer patients who are likely to relapse. He is using next-generation sequencing techniques to develop a signature set of key genetic changes  and convert it to a clinical test that will be able to predict who is at high risk for relapse.


Developing new non-invasive methods for the diagnosis of lung cancer

Mohamed Hassanein, PhD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Dr. Hassanein is using 164 proteins found only in lung cancer patients to develop a method to test the patient’s blood for its own antibodies to these proteins. His goal is to use these proteins as biomarkers in a blood test that will find lung cancer in its earliest, most treatable stage.


Biomarkers of pre-malignant disease progression for lung cancer detection

Jennifer Beane, PhD
Boston University
Dr. Beane will characterize how RNA expression in normal airway epithelial cells is affected by the presence of precancerous lesions and identify changes that predict if the lesions will become malignant or return to normal. Identifying these key molecular changes will contribute to early detection and possible chemo-prevention of lung cancer in high risk patients.

Sputum biomarkers for the early detection of lung cancer

This grant was funded in part by Upstage Lung Cancer.
Feng Jiang, MD, PhD
University of Maryland
Sanford Stass, MD
University of Maryland
Dr. Jiang is identifying sputum biomarkers that could improve the process of detecting early-stage lung cancer by contributing to development of a non-invasive test that complements low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans and improves the accuracy of diagnosis.